by gsrp | Aug 22, 2019 | Culture, Education
Congratulations to 2019 OSLO Summer Scholarship Recipients The Norwegian Rotary Advisory Board, in partnership with Georgia Rotary Student Program, extends a scholarship annually to three (3) young Georgia students to study in Norway as part of their International...
by gsrp | Aug 22, 2019 | Education
GRSP students will study this year at more than 20 colleges and universities around the state of Georgia. Learn more about the college and universities partnering with us this academic year. We are so happy to work with some of the best universities in Georgia. They...
by gsrp | Aug 22, 2019 | Culture, Education, Success
In June of 2017 Atlanta welcomed the Rotary World to Georgia for the Rotary International Convention. On this rare occasion that the international convention was in GRSP’s home state, we decided to host our first ever all-class GRSP reunion. In June of 2017 Atlanta...
by gsrp | Aug 22, 2019 | Culture, Education, Travel
It was flying thousands of miles and knowing I was going to be away from home for about a year. It was the anticipation, the anxiety, the fear and the uncertainty, not knowing what to expect. It was the hearty welcome and the pleasant surprise of finding smiling faces...