Oslo Application

College students, ages 20-24, are welcome to submit an application to study in Oslo, Norway for six weeks as part of the Norwegian Rotary Advisory Board, in partnership with Georgia Rotary Student Program. We are now accepting applications for the 2023 International Summer School from June 26 to August 4, 2023. Applications will close on January 10, 2023. Students will be notified by email by the end of January 2023.

Olso International Summer School Informational Flyer, Requirements

Please read the Oslo Scholarship Requirements for Submitting an Application before you begin the application process.Please note, this application CANNOT be saved. We suggest you print out a PDF and gather the information you need before you start the online form below. Be sure to have information on your sponsoring Rotary club and a digital photo too.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Father's Name
Is Your Father a Rotarian?
Mother's Name
Is Your Mother a Rotarian?
Siblings (Check As Many As Apply)
Home Address
Current Address (If Different)


List Scholarships/Fellowships/Honors
List Languages in Which You Are Proficient

Tell Us About Yourself

In 200 words or less, please tell us about your interests and how they have shaped you, your values and your dreams.
Occupational Experience
Type of Work
International Travel Experience
Purpose of Travel (List School if applicable)
In 200 words or less, please state why you are applying for this scholarship.

Rotary Club Endorsement

Rotarian Contact


That upon my return home, at the conclusion of my study, to visit and speak to Rotary Clubs in Georgia and other groups in my area to share my experiences as a GRSP Scholar and create a better understanding of the International Summer School at the University of Oslo. I understand that the GRSP Scholarship is primarily an ambassadorial scholarship with an emphasis on education and I will do my best to utilize the opportunities presented by the scholarship to further the GRSP goal of promoting world peace through understanding both at home and abroad. By signing below, I authorize the Georgia Rotary Student Program to obtain such information about me and authorize the release of such information to GRSP as part of this application process and I do hereby waive any claim of breach of privacy or any other claim that I may have regarding the release of such information to GRSP, its employees, agents, officers, and trustees, and all Georgia Rotarians involved in the student selection process. I am also aware that GRSP, its employees, agents, officers, and trustees may have to disclose my personal information to third parties as required by law. I also understand that it may be necessary for me to sign additional specific releases as part of the application process, or if selected while I am a student in the program, and I agree to sign such releases as requested by GRSP.

Attachments Required

Max. file size: 64 MB.
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Please submit a recent color photo in a jpg format. Please make sure your face is clear, that you are not wearing a hat, face covering, or glasses. Please keep it under 10 MB of memory. Make sure that the photo is loaded onto the application in the proper layout configuration - (not sideways or upside down).