
Where are they now:

Serving as champions for our program, ambassadors of peace, recruiters for the next generation of GRSP students.

Many have gone on to be strong leaders in their home countries – impacting local, regional, state and national issues.

Many alumni still keep in touch with their host families and fellow classmates.

Many are now Rotarians living out Rotary’s mission: to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

How can alumni give back to GRSP:

Be a GRSP Ambassador in your home country

Share your GRSP story with Rotarians

Share your GRSP story with Interactors and Rotar-actors

Educate about GRSP at your Rotary District/Zone Trainings & Conferences

Nurture relations with fellow GRSP Alumni

Send encouraging words to the current class

Katheryne Fields

GRSP Executive Director

Kalev Kaarna


In short, there is no doubt that GRSP year has changed my life and it laid base for my journey over the last 20 years. My GRSP year gave me four things: experiences, skills, relationships and new mindset. The biggest understanding and lesson for me was gratefulness.

Renzo Angeloni

GRSP 2023-2014

Knowing people with stories to tell of all ages, creeds and nationalities, is one of the most captivating aspects of the program, and one whose impact one does not anticipate when it is postulated, but perhaps the most significant.

Giulia Malerbi

GRSP 2014-2015

It is important to highlight that my GRSP year helped me to grow incredibly on a personal point of view, in terms of determination and being committed.