by grspstaff | Mar 12, 2020 | Culture, Education, Students, Travel
The Norwegian Rotary Advisory Board, in partnership with Georgia Rotary Student Program, extends a scholarship annually to three (3) young Georgia students to study at the University of Oslo in Norway as part of their International Summer School. This year’s...
by grspstaff | Jan 10, 2020 | Culture, Education, Events, Students, Success, Testimonies, Travel
Our most recent newsletter is an exciting Holiday Edition showcasing some of the wonderful adventures our students have had over the last few months. We hope you will enjoy the great testimonies and experiences shared by our 2019-20 class. Just click on the link below...
by gsrp | Aug 22, 2019 | Culture, Education, Travel
It was flying thousands of miles and knowing I was going to be away from home for about a year. It was the anticipation, the anxiety, the fear and the uncertainty, not knowing what to expect. It was the hearty welcome and the pleasant surprise of finding smiling faces...
by gsrp | Aug 22, 2019 | Culture, Education, Success, Travel Here is a quick, and emotional overview of Liv Milvey’s year on the Georgia Rotary Student Program!
by gsrp | Aug 22, 2019 | Culture, Education, Success, Travel
When I was preparing to come for my year in Georgia, I knew this was going to be one of the biggest stepping stones in my life, and that made me tremble. I came with a lot of expectations, anxiety, and questions, but also with an open mind, open to new experiences....