Foundation Endowment

The GRSP Foundation plays a critical role in the funding of the Georgia Rotary Student Program. The GRSP Foundation, formerly the Endowment Fund,  was started back in the 1970s by a group of visionary Trustees, to supplement the contributions to the program from the Rotary clubs of Georgia, with the aim of growing the Program. During the last 40 years, the contributions from individual Georgia Rotarians, and other friends of the Program, along with investment returns, have caused the GRSP Foundation to grow to its current total of $15+ million.

All GRSP Foundation contributions are invested in a conservative fashion, by a professional fund manager, to maintain the financial stability of the program. Only investment earnings are used to help fund the costs of the program; none of the contributions themselves have ever been, nor are planned to be, spent.

Today, the investment income from the GRSP Foundation provides 40%+ of the costs of the program. It is important that we continue to grow the GRSP Foundation as the cost of scholarships is ever increasing. Additional income from future contributions will allow the program to continue and, we hope, increase the number of students in the future. To make a contribution to the GRSP Foundation, select the Donate tab below.


Terry Adkins

Foundation Board

Lorri Christopher, VP

Cheryl Huffman, Secretary

Teri White, Treasurer

Jim Drake

Mike Alexander 

Ed Presnell

Donor Recognition Levels

Named Scholarship:

A contribution of $100,000 or more to the GRSP Foundation will earn the donor a permanent Named Scholarship in their name or the name of an individual designated by the donor.

Frank Bentley, Sr. Fellow:

A contribution of $25,000 or more will earn the Frank Bentley, Sr. Fellow designation, honoring this past GRSP Endowment Chairman. He guided the Endowment Fund in the ’90s to successful campaigns that gave the GRSP financial stability. He was a member of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs.

Hart Joiner Fellow:

A contribution of $20,000 or more will earn the Hart Joiner Fellow designation, honoring one of the original 12 Trustees selected in the program in 1958. A member of the Rotary Club of Gainesville, he was host to many GRSP students and also served as GRSP Chairman in 1964-65.

Jim Brim Fellow:

A contribution of $15,000 or more will earn the Jim Brim Fellow designation, honoring this dedicated GRSP Trustee from the Rotary Club of Pelham. He wrote the original GRSP By-Laws and served as Vice Chair of the GRSP program.

Ronnie Waller Fellow:

A contribution of $10,000 or more will earn the Ronnie Waller Fellow designation, honoring this original Endowment Chairman who guided the Endowment through a significant period of expansion. A member of the Rotary Club of Gainesville, he also served as the GRSP Chairman.

Jake Cheatham Fellow:

A contribution of $7,500 or more will earn the Jake Cheatham Fellow designation, honoring this long time GRSP Trustee. Jake served as the GRSP Secretary/Treasurer for over 30 years. He was a member of the Rotary Club of Griffin.

Kendall Weisiger Fellow:

A contribution of $5,000 or more will earn the Kendall Weisiger Fellow designation, which honors this Atlanta Rotarian, whose support of international students through the Rotary Education Foundation of Atlanta was merged into GRSP.

Hue Thomas Fellow:

A contribution of $2,500 or more will earn the Hue Thomas Fellow designation, honoring this past GRSP Chairman who guided the program through 35 years of growth. He was a member of the Rotary Club of Savannah.

Will Watt Fellow:

A contribution of $1,000 or more will earn the Will Watt Fellow designation, honoring the founder of the Georgia Rotary Student Program, who was a member of the Rotary Club of Thomasville.