Other Opportunites

Scholarships for
International Summer School in Oslo, Norway and Aarhus, Denmark

The Norwegian Rotary Advisory Board in partnership, Rotarians in District 1450 in Denmark, along with GRSP are proud to extend two scholarships to Georgia college students to study in Norway as part of the Oslo International Summer School (June 28-July 26) and two scholarships to Denmark at Aarhus University (June 26-July 19). Click here to view information and requirements. Get in touch with the nearest Rotary Club in Georgia to be endorsed. The deadline to apply is January 15, 2025 for Summer Session 2025.

Rotary Peace Fellowship

Each year, Rotary awards up to 100 fully funded fellowships for dedicated leaders from around the world to study at one of our peace centers.

The Barbara M. and Donald L. Thomas Peace Award

Administered by a special committee of the Roswell Rotary Club, this award of $2,500.00 is given to a deserving member of the current year’s GRSP class who exemplifies the spirit of the GRSP program and who is in need of additional financial assistance. The Peace Award is given at the end of the GRSP academic  year. Students in need should reach out to the President of their Host Rotary Club to learn more about the qualifications and application process.